
Thursday 7 June 2012

Rollin' Rollin' Rollin' Rawhide!

Hey Folks,

Sorry it's been a long time! Dukan has been a wonderful companion on what has been a pretty bollocks start to 2012.  Did I say start? Is it June already? Man...

So no, no I'm not dead and no I haven't fallen off the Dukan wagon. I've just been engaging in some serious navel gazing.  Things are largely ok, I have my health and my wonderful boyfriend, friends, family and gorgeous cat (meow!) but my job situation has been dire (working hard on intern wages, hating the job, being stuck in terrible job market with niche skills) so I've been poor, overworked, overtired, overstressed, etc. Other metaphorical clouds are lifting - the housemate who hated everyone has finally moved out - hooray!  I think everything has been feeding into a rather negative mind space - job searching and being hated is so soul destroying and bad for the self esteem!

Monday 30 April 2012

I think I can, I think I can, I think I can

Hello Dukaners! Gosh, day 77 of my dukan adventure; 2½ months on – lets review where I am.  I’ve been away for a few days and have been really successful at sticking to the plan, largely thanks to my understanding family who just let me get on with it without making me feel weird and said all sorts of encouraging things about how they could really tell it was working, etc.  Before I left London (4 days ago) I had a BMI of 23 – amazing to think that just 2½ months ago I had a BMI of 28.  That’s 5 BMI points down, from being a stones throw from clinically obese to 2 points under the ‘overweight’ threshold (yes – I am ‘normal’!! – finally!!)

Sunday 15 April 2012

Off roading it, my very un-Dukan Holiday...

Hello Hello,

Hope you all had a gorgeous Easter?  I had a BLAST in Glasgow for a friends wedding.  I used to live in Glasgow for about 4 and half years.  I left in summer 2007 and have only been back briefly for New Year 07/08 since then, so there were LOTS of people to catch up with and it was great fun.  The downside being that me and the bf had so many people to catch up with we were going from pub to pub, going 'drink drink drink, taxi! going the next pub, drink, drink, drink, etc. '